Couples Only - Friday Night Class Series

Ballroom/Swing/Latin Series - Couples Only

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Country 2-Step - March 7-28

**Starting in March**

Originating from the vibrant dance halls of Texas, this dance captures the essence of country music - its warmth, its soul, and its spirit of togetherness. Whether you're swaying gently to a slow ballad or spinning across the floor to an upbeat tune, the 2-Step invites you to move in harmony with your partner, to communicate without words, and to experience the joy of dancing as one.

We'll be covering your basics steps, turns and partnering skills for Country 2-Step in this beginner friendly class.

Friday nights at 8pm.

Dates are March 7-28.

Just $145/couple for the 4-week series.

We'll be continuing with Level 2 in April.

No experience needed. Must register & attend with a partner.

Sign Up Here!! Limited Space - Plan to Preregister!

This class is for couples only, so please register with a partner.

Plan to attend all 4 weeks, no makeups or refunds for missed classes.

Our Friday nights at RhythmAddict are dedicated to "Date Night/Dance Night" for all our couples. It's the one class where you aren't constantly changing partners, you stay with the one you brought.

We teach a variety of ballroom and swing dances, 12 in all. Our focus is on teaching you how to socially dance together - we're not trying to get you ready for any type of dance competition - so the styling is casual even though a lot of technique is covered to make your learning experience better and more complete.

Dancing is a great skill that comes in handy for any family party, weddings, cruises, etc. Learn the foundation so dancing is fun, you can impress all your friends and it's a great bonding activity together.

1st month is always Beginner followed directly in the 2nd month with an Improver level. Just these two months will have you dancing socially with confidence. For more of a challenge, we also have Levels 3 & 4 at an earlier time slot when you're ready to add more patterns.

Start with any Level 1 class of your choice. We break down the basics to make it easy to get started and having fun right away. And it's only $145 per couple for the whole month.

Just register for the month (with your partner), and we'll see you at the first class, and each week following.

You can register online here at the bottom of this page, or contact us (call or email) for assistance.

Fill out my online form.

Terms & Conditions

  • All students must be 18+ years of age to attend group classes
  • Appropriate footwear required for all classes, socials, bootcamps, etc. No flip flops or open back shoes allowed for safety reasons. Entrance will be refused if wearing unsafe shoes.
  • Classes start on time. You risk being turned away if you arrive after class has already started.
  • Walk-ins accepted until 15 minutes before the class starts. Save time by creating an account and registering for your classes online.
  • New Students/First Visit: Please register for Level 1 Series, or speak with the studio owner in advance if you wish to attend a different class. Arriving for any other class without prior arrangement may result in being turned away.